Ease Your Sore Muscles Easily & Naturally

If you just increased the intensity of your workout or maybe engaged in a bigger workout than your muscles could really handle, you might be feeling a bit sore the following day. When muscles are sore, sometimes all you need to do is take it easy for a day and let the muscles rest, but when you need more, here are some tips.

In general, it is best to try and prevent muscle stiffness from occurring in the first place by making sure that you are warmed up properly prior to exercise. Before you exercise or start stretching muscles, do some quick warming exercises to get your blood moving and muscles warm. Walking in place and marching in place are a few good options, as are jumping jacks followed by some squats, lunges and arm circles.

Of course, you might already be sore and prevention is going to help. So in that case, give your muscles a little bit of rest, but don’t go overboard. Unless you have a serious injury or sprain, it’s a good idea to move around and avoid becoming overly stiff. A stiff body is much more prone to muscle strains, so get up and move around but reduce the level of exercise for a few days.

Ice and cool water are beneficial, as well, so consider icing down the sore area and taking a cool shower. Another option would be to skip your regular workout and do a light workout in a swimming pool. The cool water can be very soothing, and the activity can actually be of great benefit to your sore muscles. It can also serve as a fun way to change up your routine a little bit, which is always a good idea.

Consider eating some foods that are said to reduce inflammation, such as fruits with lots of vitamin C and fish such as wild-caught salmon or perhaps tuna that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts and foods with a lot of vitamin E are other good choices. However, avoid foods high in saturated fats and avoid processed foods and sugar as these have the opposite effect. You also could consider taking turmeric pills as turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation in the muscles and the joints.

One easy way to increase your ability to move while lessening muscle pain would be to affix a physio hybrid shape to your sore muscle. These have a unique design that covers the sore muscle and reaches out to grab power from muscle groups that are nearby. You can apply the product yourself, and there are shapes that have been designed for many areas that commonly become strained or sore including the upper back, lower back, elbows, knees and shoulders.

Kamryn Mattson enjoys blogging about health topics. For additional details about muscle soreness remedy products, or to find a back pain relief product, please check out the RapidForce website today.

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About C Alvin

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