Back pain is as common as it is complicated, and easy fixes are hard to find. Shedding light on this…
Back Pain
Simple Solutions For Back Pain; No Cost & No Meds
Bob and Brad demonstrate simple solutions for back pain with no cost and no medications. Website: Youtube Channel:…
New approach to treating chronic back pain
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are trying to help patients “unlearn” chronic back pain. Naomi Ruchim reports. CBSN…
How To Fix A Bulged Low Back Disc WITHOUT Surgery
Four ESSENTIAL exercises you must be doing to treat your lower back disc bulge or herniation at home. Presented by…
Stretches to Relieve Back Pain | SilverSneakers
Keep the muscles that support your back flexible and healthy with these chair-supported stretches. Do you enjoy our SilverSneakers YouTube…
Stretches for Lower Back Pain Relief & Tight Hips | 15 Min. Recovery and flexibility
Enjoy this effective Yoga inspired Stretching Routine to release tension in your hips and lower back. This routine is designed…
Back Pain Relief With No Exercise
Bob and Brad discuss how to get back pain relief with no exercise. Website: Youtube Channel: Bob and…
Carson Daly’s Terrible Back Pain. What Finally Worked?
Mike interviews Dr. Ekstrom on how to treat back pain. Website: Youtube Channel: Bob and Brad Amazon Store:…
2 Exercises to Stop Low Back Pain
Brian Bradley Demonstrates 2 Back Pain Relief Exercises You Can Find in the Egoscue Method Check Out the Whole Podcast…
Simple exercises for Lower back pain ( Tamil ) | Kauvery Hospital
Mrs. Selvambikai Srinath, Physiotherapist, Kauvery Hospital, helps us understand what causes lower back pain and what can be done about…