
Acute Lower Back Pain – What are the Reasons Behind Acute Lower Back Pain?

Many people complain about acute lower back pain. Around 80% of the US population is said to be affected by it and around 50% suffer from more than one episode of this condition. However, as opposed to what many people believe it is, acute lower back pain is not a disease but rather a symptom that may arise from different medical conditions. As a matter of fact, 7 out of 10 people with this condition had gone through medical evaluations but no specific cause was identified. Nonetheless, incidences or reasons as to why this pain attacks exist. Continue reading this article to get to know them.

Back Pain and Pregnancy – Is There a Connection?

According to some medical research studies, 80% of women in the pregnancy stage suffer from back pain; hence, the connection between back pain and pregnancy. However, up until now this connection is still not clear and is not entirely understood. Because of this, pregnant women are not given with a lot of treatment options. However, back pain and pregnancy treatment options can be improved once the underlying connection between these two becomes clearly understood.