joint pain reliever

Beyond The Marathon: Fun Runs For Fitness Enthusiasts

If you love to run, you probably have taken part in your share of marathons or half-marathons. But if the task of running 26.2 miles now seems a bit pedestrian for you, it might be time to consider taking on a more strenuous endeavor. Here are some options to consider if you want to take your life up a notch.

Daily Activity Can Save Our Lives

These days many of us have jobs where we literally sit at a desk for eight or more hours a day. While we might love our job, a recent medical study showed that this type of sedentary job has the potential to be as detrimental to the human body as smoking, even for those who still work out every day. While people don’t have to smoke, they do have to work, so what are these millions of workers to do about improving their health? Here are some easy ways to add a little bit of activity to our sedentary days.

Combat Back Pain With These Easy Tips

Back pain can so debilitating, affecting every aspect of our daily lives. This pain can reduce our ability to exercise properly, accomplish basic day to day chores or even just make it painful and uncomfortable to just sit in front of a computer and work in an office setting.

Reduce Back Pain With Natural Products

When you are suffering from back pain, not only does it affect your ability to exercise and really enjoy your life, it can even have a negative impact on your working life. Even a sedentary job that requires hours in front of a computer screen can be highly uncomfortable. If you need to alleviate back pain but want to avoid any type of prescription or over-the-counter drug, here are few natural ways to get your back into prime health.

Four Exercises That Burn 500 Calories Per Hour

If you are pressed for time but still want to try to fit in a strong exercise routine several times a week, consider selecting cardio activities that will burn a large amount of calories in a short time. Here are few fun activities that burn a ton of calories and will keep you in top physical shape.

Gifts That Will Make Golfing Enthusiasts Happy

For golfers, there is nothing better than getting outside and taking on 18 holes. Not only do golfers love the challenge of improving their game, they love all of the fun accessories and gadgets that were designed just for their sport. So, if you have a golfer in your life, consider the following items as gift ideas.