Portland Tension Headache Sufferers Find Relief With Chiropractic Care

While tension headaches are commonly reported, it is also regarded as the most difficult to manage. A range of symptoms start at the skull base and develops into painful sensations described as the feeling of a tight band across the forehead. Symptoms can be attributed to many causes and requires a natural and comprehensive approach as recommended with Portland chiropractic therapy.

The major signs that tension headaches are present include a dull throb, squeezing band around the forehead, and soreness within the neck muscles. Symptoms will usually start at the base of the skull and progress to both sides of the head. Individuals often feel listless and may experiencing difficulties in eating and sleeping.

Tension headaches do not have a clear cause for its origination. Theory suggests that changes in brain chemicals and environmental triggers such as stress, eye fatigue, trauma, and prescription drugs can all result in agitation. In many cases sinus, allergies, and the grinding of teeth can cause ongoing symptoms.

The chiropractor will advise on the taking of a complete medical history and assessment of reported symptoms to detect possible abnormalities. The performance of a physical examination can aid in detecting whether there are problems related to the sinuses, head, and neck regions. The implementation of digital imaging is required to rule out structural dysfunction and serious injury.

Research has indicated that the application of a neck adjustment can relieve structural problems. The upper cervical spine that has become misaligned can impede nerve function requiring adjustment methods to relieve strain and pain. The presence of subluxations contributes to tremendous pressure and requires assistance for healthy operation.

For those experiencing stress, massage and physical therapy prove best in relieving the experience of tension. Corrective measures may include light exercise to improve sensations of stiffness and the frequency of symptoms. Portland chiropractic therapy is advised for relief from tension headaches that could be impacting your quality of life and engagement in regular activities.

Chiropractic care helps relieve migraine headache, stomach and leg pain naturally and safely. Click here for more information about a well-trained Portland chiropractic doctor at now.

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