The Practice Of Yoga For Back Pain

If you get back pain just moving around your house, forget using pills you can use yoga as your natural back pain relief. Yoga is a type of exercise with poses and stretches that can help alleviate any of your pain in the body.

Usually when people have back pain, the advice they are given is that their abdominal and back muscles need to be strengthened. While this is true, you also need to lengthen these muscles through stretching. You can’t just “bulk up” to help your back pain; added muscle has to be balanced by added flexibility. Exercise and stretching should not focus on one area of the back such as the center or the middle of the stomach, but should focus on your whole torso, strengthening your sides as well as your lower back muscles.

Yoga has the added benefit of total body care. during yoga you aren’t focusing on just one muscle you are using all of them, even muscles you don’t even know you have. Because of this your body will be better balanced and muscles won’t have to compensate for weaker ones.

Of course everyone is talking about the core muscles that support the abdomen and the back, but it is not enough to only work on these. You need to work, for instance, on the legs. These muscles support the whole body and if not dealt with they can throw off the posture and make walking painful.

The body needs to be thought of holistically, meaning it needs to be thought of as one unit and worked in an integrated way. Yoga does this automatically. When you do a practice of different postures, various muscle groups of the body are exercised without your having to give it a lot of thought.

Yoga like any other form of exercise should be practiced with caution. Though yoga is considered to be a low risk activity, if you have injured your back you need to take special care in not over twisting or bending because you could end up damaging your spine or the disks in your back even further. If you feel any discomfort stop, then continue at a slower pace.

Also remember that some yoga poses are difficult and require consistent work to achieve. Do not rush your way up to these positions, because you may injure yourself or learn them incorrectly.

If your back pain was recent, you should avoid rigorous yoga. Go slowly and gently, using the yoga to work soreness out of your muscles. Again, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor to determine your limits.

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About C Alvin

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