How to keep your back from hurting

If you begin to suffer from pain in your back it could be the result of many different conditions. Commonly back pain is attributed to damage to one or more of the integral parts of our backs. Every person has a spinal cord that is part of our nervous system. This cord is protected by bones that fit together called vertebrae. When any part of this system becomes damaged, pressure can be put on the nerves in our backs and result in debilitating pain. Muscle pain can also cause discomfort in our backs as well.

People who work in physical jobs or anyone who does yard work, helps and friend move, or any other type of strenuous activity are at risk of developing an injury that causes back pain. While some back pain is caused by diseases that are not preventable, many people suffer injuries that could have been prevented if they had been informed about proper ways to use their backs and safety tips to keep them healthy.

Top 3 ways to prevent back pain

One of the most common causes of back injuries is heavy lifting. Many people make the mistake of putting heavy objects on the ground and then bending over to try to lift them. When you lift a heavy object this way you are only using your fingers, arms and back to lift the object. This technique eliminates your ability to use some of the strongest muscles in your body, the ones located in your legs. If you do have to lift a heavy object off of the floor, avoid bending over from the waist to pick it up. Instead, crouch down keeping your back strait and use your legs and the momentum they can create to stand upright lifting the object with your arms as you go.

That is what you should do if you have to lift a heavy object, however, if you can avoid the task all together or find a way to reduce the weight of a load by making two trips, which will be an even more effective way to avoid injury. In your home, you may be able to make simple changes that will reduce your need to lift a heavy object from the ground. It is much less stressful for your back if you are lifting an object from a shelf that is between waist and shoulder height than lifting a heavy object from the ground or a location over your head. If you can reorganize heavy items you use frequently to be located within that zone you will have less injury. Also, when you are packing items in a box, or a bag at the grocery store, it is better to use smaller boxes or bags and spread the heavy items out so that the bags are all equal weight instead of having one back breaking load and one light one.

Utilizing tools to help you when moving heavy items and performing a small warm up will also help you avoid a back injury. Just like playing a sport, lifting heavy items can be a physical workout you are not used to. Do not expect to jump right in and start lifting heavy items and not expect to get hurt. Before you begin this kind of task, make sure you have on proper attire and safety equipment like lifting belts and good shoes. Warming up and doing a few stretches can also help you avoid injury.

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About C Alvin

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