Back Pain and Pregnancy – Is There a Connection?

According to some medical research studies, 80% of women in the pregnancy stage suffer from back pain; hence, the connection between back pain and pregnancy. However, up until now this connection is still not clear and is not entirely understood. Because of this, pregnant women are not given with a lot of treatment options. However, back pain and pregnancy treatment options can be improved once the underlying connection between these two becomes clearly understood.

Causes of Back Pain during Pregnancy

Many factors can cause back pain and pregnancy back pain may also be caused by the same factors. Back pain during pregnancy is due to the strain on the muscles at the back as placed by the baby in the mother’s womb. During the middle stage of pregnancy, the center of the gravity on the mother’s uterus changes, making it heavier. Because of this, the posture of the mother changes and the tendency is to lean backwards when they reach the later stage of their pregnancy; thus, subjecting the back muscles to work harder. Strain and posture are conditions that link back pain and pregnancy.

Weak abdominal muscles can also cause back pain in pregnant women. Due to the support the abdominal muscles give the spine, their role in the health of the back is very important. In pregnant women, weakening of abdominal muscles occurs causing the muscles to stretch and this leads to back pain. Weak abdominal muscles subject pregnant women to become more susceptible to back-related injuries. Weakening of abdominal muscles is the second condition that connects back pain and pregnancy.

Pregnancy hormone is another factor that causes back pain in pregnant women. Pregnancy hormones are responsible for relaxing the ligaments along the weight-bearing joints in the pelvis in order to make the passage of the baby through the pelvis easier. Though the loosening of the pelvis can contribute to the flexibility of the joints, too much flexibility and mobility of the joints can cause back pain. This brings us to a connection between back pain and pregnancy.

Do not expect to not experience back pain if you are pregnant, again, though not completely understood, there is a relation between back pain and pregnancy. Nevertheless, there’s nothing to fret about because there are things you can do to relieve the pain caused by back pain and pregnancy. Try the following:

1. Practice good posture even before your tummy grows bigger. 2. Sit and stand with extra care. 3. Sleep on your side. 4. Don’t lift heavy objects. 5. When lifting is needed, lift properly. 6. Always use the right gear such as low-heeled shoes that come with good arch support. 7. Try cold, heat or a back rub. 8. Keep yourself fit. 9. Try pelvic tilt and other pregnancy exercises. 10. Ask your doctor for complementary treatments.

There you go, some explanations of the relation between back pain and pregnancy as well as the things you can do to relieve yourself from the back pain caused by pregnancy. If symptoms still persist, make sure to consult with your doctor immediately. Never ever assume especially in terms of medication you are going to take. Remember, your condition is very sensitive so it’s better to depend on a professional in your condition.

Did you find those information on back pain causes helpful? You can learn a lot more about lower back pain by clicking here

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About C Alvin

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